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How Towns / Suburbs could be different

Towns could have food fight festivals

Small towns could be turned into tourist destinations

Portable basketball hoops could be allowed on curbs

Houses could have porches or stoops

15 minute walkable cities/towns could be created

Cities and towns could aim for zero waste

Houses, buildings, cities, and/or towns could float

Streets could be designed to be slower

Parking spaces could not be mandated

Garage sales could be city-wide or town-wide

Communities could host outdoor dance lessons and music

Playgrounds could happen in different spaces

Towns and cities could have civilian / independent police oversight committees

More trees could be planted

Communities, schools, homes could have gardens and/or food forests

Parks could hold rainwater to prevent flooding

Communities could have sing-a-longs

Cities and towns could have open or slow streets

Communities could go on bike rides together

Community planning could involve games / crowdsourcing online

Libraries could be free and little

Communities could use private social networking websites to connect with their neighbors

Cities / towns could offer curbside compost collection systems