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How Child Welfare / Protection could be different

Baby bonds could be started for low-income children

Foster care could be less difficult for foster parents to prevent children from going to group homes

Family courts / divorce courts could be corrupt

Parents could not be billed for foster care

Foster care kids could have nightlights / care packages / suitcases

Parents / guardians could have a safe place to leave babies / children / get support

Clergy could report crimes

Teddy bears / stuffed animals could be in ambulances / police cars

Adopting could be quicker, cheaper, less hurdled by bureaucracy, legal / safe, and open to more (single people / LGBTQ+) to prevent millions of abandoned / vulnerable children worldwide

Poor families could be disincentivized to participate in TANF (welfare) due to child welfare investigation / requiring ex-partner child support

U.S. TANF (welfare) could have less strict eligibility / diversion requirements, time limits, non-compliance sanctions to reach families in need

"Rehoming" / "second chance" adoptions could be regulated

Shadow / hidden unregulated foster care could not exist

Services delivered could be audited at nonprofits / government contractors and feedback could be continuously collected from service recipients

Foster siblings could stay together

"Parental alienation syndrome" could be invalid in cases of abuse

Foster care parent abuse could be better monitored and accounted for

Child abuse versus neglect / poverty could be differentiated / treated differently

New parents could get infant training / check-ins after birth

Systems of care could be used in human services

Parents / schools could help prevent child sex abuse / grooming through education/awareness

Parenting classes could teach about positive discipline

A two-generation / intergenerational care / whole family approach could be used in social services

Diapers / diaper banks could be available to low income families

Social worker turnover could be reduced

Foster care could lead to quicker permanent situations

A reading tablet or fitbit with text message reminders and tips could nudge parental engagement and education

Housing, cash, educational guidance, financial counseling, employment, and/or other supports could be provided to transitioning foster youth

Foster care could be extended past 18

Public policy clearinghouses could be easier to use / more comprehensive

Moving to better neighborhoods could positively affect poor families

Parents and parents-to-be could receive calls or text messages to promote maternal and child health

Preschool / daycare could be part of the public education system

New mothers could receive at least 12 paid weeks of maternity leave

Children could stay with their families rather than being placed into foster care

The Nurse-Family Partnership / parent home visiting programs could be used more widely