Women could have paid prenatal leave
U.S. health insurers could sell off pharmacy-benefit managers
Merit-based and/or current / future labor shortages could determine immigration policy
Advanced healthcare directives could encompass mentally and physically incapacitated (vegetative / minimally conscious / severe brain injury / Alzheimer's / dementia) states
U.S. hospice care could not have fraud / mismanagement / abuse
Squatters could not have rights / abilities to stay on properties
H-1B visas could replacing American workers at a lower cost
Hospital Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs) could be monopolies and prevent fulfillment of important medical supplies / drugs
Family courts / divorce courts could be corrupt
Churches could disclose financial information
U.S. "forever war" authorizations could end
Child marriage could not be allowed in the U.S. / world
A national vote / pledge for service could be required before war
U.S. hospitals could not cut pediatric care
Marijuana could not have mold, bacteria, pesticides / better safety standards
Penalties could occur for harassing, intimidating, threatening, etc. election workers / volunteers
Teachers with inappropriate behavior / misconduct could not still work with children, face criminal / civil charges, and be listed on a registry
Trade tariffs and regulations could create supply shortages
The legal definition of domestic abuse could expand
Citizens could not become law enforcers or bounty hunters
Boarding housing and SROs could provide affordable housing
Water wars could be solved
The U.S. Senate filibuster could be reformed
U.S. parents/caretakers could have a Marshall Plan
Children could be protected from furniture tipping over
Suspicious drug shipments from pharmaceutical distribution companies could be flagged and stopped
Doctors could not get paid for travel/meals, consulting, research, advising, or speaking by the pharmaceutical / medical device industry
SLAPP laws could be changed to prevent muzzling lawsuits
Senior / developmentally disabled guardianship/conservatorship could be reformed to prevent abuse
Laws and regulations could be created for exotic animal ownership
Insider trading laws could be clearer
U.S. drug prices could be lower
Congress could have more in-house expertise
Votes on amendments could be done by secret ballot and votes on laws could be public and recorded