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How Universities / College could be different

Young adults could be adopted

A database of researchers' conflicts of interest could exist

Scientific fraud could be prosecuted

Alumni life updates could be compiled in a book

Development could focus on the middle-class / higher education to build sustainable democracies

Public pensions could be too high in some places / to some people / could be capped at some amount

Clinical trials could not end uninformatively

Pell Grants could be increased, public universities could be more affordable, and student debt / loan practices could be reformed

"Coddling" and "safetyism" in parenting / education / universities / healthcare could have negative effects

Financial aid offers could be clearer / easier to understand

U.S. universities could better maintain dormitories and prevent mold / vermin

Critical theories and activist scholarship could be examined / taught / published accurately with room for debate

Low-rated law and medical schools / graduate programs could be upfront about the risks of attending

Campus sexual assault cases could be reported, handled differently, and prevention programs could be available

Universities could be protected against espionage

Social science could be more experimental, qualitative, and/or treated like engineering

People could be inspired to reuse water bottles

U.S. hospitals, universities, and other profitable organizations could have to meet requirements to be classified as nonprofits or change into for-profit

Universities could spend less on administration, research, buildings, and amenities

Bystander training could prevent harassment, bullying, assault, and discrimination

The U.S. foreign service could be more professionalized

Facilitated group discussions could create civil discourse

Universities could outline PhD job prospects and improve PhD mental health

Scientific funding could produce quality research results

Universities / foundations could spend down their assets

Prisoners could have access to a liberal arts education

The academic / research peer review process could be improved / changed

Selective U.S. universities could expand and establish satellite locations

Affirmative action could be based on wealth / diversity of background

Schools / colleges could have hygiene and food pantries

"Summer melt" could be avoided to increase college attendance rates

Peers could offer low-cost / free counseling

The NCAA could pay student / college athletes

Tenure could be replaced with contracts

Healthy relationship skills / sex education could be taught in high school / college

Emergency financial microgrants could be provided to students

Empowerment training courses could decrease rape

Government agencies, schools, hospitals, police, universities, foundations, prisons, workplaces, elections, judiciary systems, and nonprofits could collect, publicize, and use citizen feedback

Prisoners could receive education and job training before release

Students could donate or have a place to leave things when moving

Three kinds of tenure tracks could be used in universities

More advisement and support could increase college graduation rates

Syllabi could be collected and shared online

Parking spaces' availability could be known through an app

Course syllabi could be available online in a searchable format.

Academic faculty could be required to disclose conflicts of interest in research and nonacademic work

Textbooks could be rented

Colleges could improve how facilities and buildings are used

Credit could be transferred to colleges more easily

Education could be available online for free