Homes in developing countries could have healthier / durable / affordable floors
In-home toilets with waste collection could be available in areas without sewer systems
Vending machines / ATMs could sell processed, safe milk / foods from small farmers
Terracotta could create energy-free air conditioning
Porta-potties could make waste collection / conversion easy, provide jobs, and include handwashing stations
Hydroponic farming could provide income and nutrients for urban residents
Trash could become cash / rewards in developing countries
Quality, urban, low-income housing could be available in developing countries
Working / living temperatures could be cooler or warmer with roofs / fans in developing countries
Entrepreneurs could treat, package, and distribute water in reusable bottles to communities
Sack gardening could be used for nutrition, preventing desertification, and food security
Slums could have creative arts
Surfing could be therapy / rehabilitation