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How Nonprofit / NGO Idea could be different

Children facing serious illness could attend summer camps

Musicians could play for patients at hospitals / hospices / nursing homes

Trees could be planted across Africa / developing countries

Forest restoration projects could be careful to not plant monoculture / flammable trees

Those with disabilities could become serious artists

Care kits with resources information for the homeless / humanitarian situations could be developed

The "Care Economy" could be incubated / formalized / nationalized across the world

School plays could change kids' lives

Traumatized animals could be healed / heal humans

Cows could be hugged

Food banks / pantries could be like grocery stores

A database of researchers' conflicts of interest could exist

Women could support young women in schools while earning vocational certificates / loans

Prisoners could become lawyers / be able to get legal education

Gig workers / volunteers / seniors could provide care for the elderly / disabled

A digital library / wikipedia could be provided in areas with unreliable, slow internet

Preschool / parent education could improve with parent volunteers

Moneyball / clear data / 10-K reports could be built for government

Homemade meals could be baked for neighbors

Grieving students could be given more / better support in schools

Hospitals could have rooms to grieve / process trauma

Cafes could be for grief / discussions of death

Bus riders could have benches

Students could teach themselves, in groups, with computers

Girls could have leadership / empowerment / menstruation / afterschool programs and clubs

Technology / solar / water management / engineering skills could be taught to the least educated / illiterate / lowest caste people

Homes in developing countries could have healthier / durable / affordable floors

A "document locker" could help people access social benefits

Farmworkers / construction / all workers could be prevented from heatstroke / kidney damage / death

The U.S. / world could have more public swimming pools / lessons

Women could learn poker

Community radio could transmit useful / important / peacebuilding information

A Council of Dads / Moms could step in after a terminal illness

Marginalized groups could access community paralegals / volunteers to protect rights

Girl afterschool programs / peer circles / mentorship / financial literacy / clubs could create positive outcomes

Volunteers could visit / clean graves of fallen soldiers

Pro athletes could have help transitioning into careers

Athletes could serve as mentors / motivational speakers

Tech bootcamps / law school / entrepreneurship / entry-level jobs could be offered to ex-prisoners

Pro athletes could have financial education

Girls could have access to / play sports

Yoga classes could be donation-based

Cities / nonprofits / apps could offer befriending services

Wild horses could rehabilitate people / raise money

An underground network of women could perform abortions / provide abortion pills

Reporting could continue even if journalists are killed

Comfort kits could help migrant / refugee children

Churches could provide homelessness services / shelter

Early college / dual enrollment programs could increase college enrollment rates

Contraception characters / fun, nicely designed clinics with free manicures could improve sexual education / birth control

Foster care kids could have nightlights / care packages / suitcases

Lung diseases could be prevented among miners / effective masks could be available

Schools could be micro

Abandoned bikes could go to the poor / developing countries

Prisons could have running programs

Parents / guardians could have a safe place to leave babies / children / get support

Elders could promote peace / human rights

Stones with seaweed spores could grow seaweed forests

A bubble barrier could catch plastic waste in rivers / canals

Cities could have food waste hubs

Wildlife conservation could involve gaming / active ecological intervention

Refugees could be housed on cruise ships

Carbon dioxide could be turned into rock

School playgrounds could be open on the weekends

50+ children could be adopted

"Community structures" could lead to mediation

Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs) could be screened for pre- and post-partum with available treatment options

Adopting could be quicker, cheaper, less hurdled by bureaucracy, legal / safe, and open to more (single people / LGBTQ+) to prevent millions of abandoned / vulnerable children worldwide

Cutting back on drinking could work with habits / accountability partners

Dance could be physical and mental therapy for Parkinson's / disabilities

Homeless people could have safe parking lots for RVs / vehicles

"Forest backpacks" could prevent illegal logging / encourage sustainable forestry

Hydroponic farming could provide income and nutrients for urban residents

Progressives / liberals could have better dark money judicial nonprofit coalitions

Families could be enrolled in Medicaid / social services at laundromats, hairdressers, or other public places

Cookstoves could be solar / satellite dishes

Women could have access to sports bras

The investing gap could contribute to income inequality

Independent playwrights could pool resources and produce plays in rep

Hackers could help find missing people

Veterans could have sporting events

Social enterprises / nonprofits could have financing during disruptive events

Mental health care systems could improve in developing countries

A conservation partnership program could help protect forests

High schools could have exercise / wellness / support / service groups afterschool

People with mental / physical disabilities could work on care farms / inclusive communities

Censorship could instead lead to discussion / debate / engagement

No one could die alone

Highly fertile, fast growing, and disease-resistant chickens could be available in developing countries

Healthy school meals could be provided to children

Video games could be provided in hospitals / nursing homes

Low-income people could receive legal help with trained legal navigators

Haircuts / vet services could aid the homeless

Cancer or sick patients could have free house cleaning services

Conflict mediation programs could build trust between police and citizens / lower crime

Chefs could be in schools

Families could have ways to heal from prison incarceration

Prison rehabilitation programs could reduce violence / crime

Veterans could have service dogs

Women could learn to drive / have greater mobility

Developing country blood banks could increase supply with motorcycles and google maps

Independent monitoring organizations in countries could fight against government corruption

A friendly caller / visitor program could help with loneliness

Sustainable forestry and fishing practices could become viable livelihoods

Police could have athletic / activities leagues

Reliable, high-speed, protected data, decentralized, non-profit internet could be provided to people

Underprivileged kids could get swim lessons

Inner cities could have art spaces

At-risk youth could be engaged in outdoor conservation / environment work

Nursing homes / retirement villages could be combined with childcare centers

Human beings could have more touch / massages could be affordable and accessible

Camps could be available for grief

The Balkans could have more transitional justice initiatives

Absent fathers could be supported to reenter children's lives

Bridges could help those in rural villages

Community members could be trained as violence interrupters or intervention specialists

Mental health services could be more available to those experiencing violence / trauma

Family caregivers could be trained in medical skills to improve patient outcomes at home

Instructional videos could improve global health

Gang involvement could be confronted inside prisons

A rehabilitative model / cash support / schools / places to sleep could be used to help street children

Loans / cash could be accessed by the poor to end debt slavery

Local NGOs / local employees could be developed to replace international NGOs

Community mediation boards could resolve disputes and conflict

Advanced analytics with door-to-door community engagement could enroll more girls / kids in school

Asylum seekers/refugees/immigrants could access culture classes/integration opportunities

Communities could have big lunches

People could be able to dress for success

The seas could be patrolled for illegal fishing and human trafficking

Therapy sessions could be reality TV or podcasts

Horse riding clubs and cowboys could exist in cities

Public benefit administrative burdens / forms could be reduced / be easier to comply with

Reliability and accuracy of voting systems could be improved / explained to citizens

Different parts of cities and homes could receive help to be decorated for the holidays

Transgender youth, kids in need, and sick/alone adults could receive holiday gifts

BBQ / good food could be served after natural disasters / for refugees and war victims

Internships / apprenticeships could help the long-term unemployed get back to work

RVs could be provided after natural disasters

At-risk youth could repair custom cars, work with horses, learn cooking / boxing / wrestling, and/or develop art / music

Kids could kick cancer

Rowing could ease divisions among gangs and be offered by schools

Transformative, eco-friendly, and educational nature experiences could lead to conservation

Released prisoners could go to homestays

Beaches could have cleanup TLC stations

Beached orcas, whales, and dolphins could be rescued

Teenagers and young women could be informed about potential exploitation in the porn business

Under-resourced students could explore creative writing

Parents / schools could help prevent child sex abuse / grooming through education/awareness

Composting toilets could be available in areas lacking sanitation

Facilitated group discussions could create civil discourse

Injured veterans could have specially adapted custom homes

Pets could be flown to animal shelters lacking pets

Greetings cards could be made for the sick, elderly, or military

Community fridges and pantries could be available

Grandparents could be adopted

Prisons could have art, drama, and music

Access to ideas / knowledge could be available around the world

Vitamins could be distributed throughout the developing world

Grocery stores could sell unattractive, mislabeled, or expired food at lower cost

Sesame Street could help refugee children

The elderly, veterans, homeless, and/or disabled could go to medical foster homes

Refugees could be trained as baristas

Walking groups could inspire better health, healing, and organizing

HIV/AIDs patients could have hospices

Motorcycles / bicycles could deliver emergency healthcare more effectively

Human milk banks could help save infants' lives

Children could be prepared for kindergarten through an online learning program

Micro-fragmenting could rebuild coral reefs

Homeless people could be reunited with their families

Community health workers / entrepreneurs / mentors / volunteers could improve health outcomes

Organizations could help people leave hate/violent groups

Basketball courts / sports facilities / playgrounds could be redesigned with public art

Prisons could have hospices with prisoners as caregivers

Water could be provided to wild animals during droughts

Seniors could volunteer as foster grandparents

Prisoners could have access to book, magazines, and newspapers

Diapers / diaper banks could be available to low income families

Communities, schools, homes could have gardens and/or food forests

Underprivileged kids could experience the outdoors, outdoor sports, summer camp, and/or camping

Seniors could help seniors

Choirs could be open-access and drop-in

Local investigative reporting and newspapers could be funded by philanthropy / become nonprofit / have a sustainable business model

Free health clinics / counseling could be available

Dinner groups could ease grief

Surfing could be therapy / rehabilitation

Students could be able to see at school

The elderly could go cycling

Job readiness skills / career development could be taught in schools

Government agencies, schools, hospitals, police, universities, foundations, prisons, workplaces, elections, judiciary systems, and nonprofits could collect, publicize, and use citizen feedback

Running / exercise programs could people who are homeless / have mental health issues / prisoners

The homeless could have access to free laundry

Libraries could contain things other than books

Cash stipends could be given directly to the poor

Street medicine / doctors could deliver healthcare directly to the homeless

Private prisons could be banned, limited, have increased oversight / incentives to keep people out of prison, and/or turn into nonprofit

More awareness could help to increase bone marrow donations

Bullying could be addressed with babies

Fish could be certified to be sustainable