U.S. veterans could receive too much of disability benefits
Military training in Africa could lead to coups / destabilization
U.S. "forever war" authorizations could end
U.S. military bases could not be toxic to service members and their families
The U.S. Department of Defense could pass audits
The Overseas Operations Contingency (OCO) Fund could not be a slush fund
The proxy war in Syria could end
U.S. foreign policy could be set more by effective diplomats
The U.S. military / president could have better exit strategy/planning and not leave behind allies/weapons/ammunition/equipment
U.S. military / civilian officials and agencies could be truthful about military / diplomatic / foreign aid / intelligence operations and performance
Military transitioning to civilian life could have more support / training / resources
Weapons could not use depleted uranium
The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs could improve its delays, wait times, data quality/reporting, software, whistleblowing, and quality of care
The VA could not overprescribe narcotics / opioids / psychiatric drugs to veterans
Congress could have more oversight over U.S. military action
War military foreign employees / translators could be given safe passage out
Independent, specialized prosecutors could handle military sexual assault
The use of drone strikes could be reevaluated
U.S. military assistance abroad could be reappraised
Spouses could have an easier time serving in the foreign service, foreign aid, or military together
Storytime could be held virtually
Guantánamo Bay prison could be closed
Veterans could help with natural disasters
Volunteers could rescue people in natural disasters
Military personnel could deploy for shorter periods to reduce mental health issues