Air filtration / ventilation could decrease sickness
Buildings could be made of cob / clay / mud
Radiators could have warming drawers for bread / plates / gloves / other things
Solving indoor air pollution could prevent around 4 million deaths a year
Home / building design / ventilation / height could prevent malaria
Smart thermostats could be given away to ease blackouts during heatwaves and save energy
Buildings could change shape or move
An electric heat pump and roof solar panels could create an ecofriendly home
Windows could tint automatically
Green walls could purify air, reduce energy costs, and lift moods
Homes, hospitals, and buildings could be well ventilated and filtrated
Office buildings could have open windows
Steam radiators could be controlled by a cover and smartphone
Heating and cooling vents could be controlled by your smartphone
A biofilter could remove VOCs from indoor air
Windcatchers could create natural air conditioning