Omnidirectional balls could be wheels
Black hair products / braids could not be harmful / carcinogenic
Coffee capsules could be flash frozen
Office space could be rented with other companies
Fruit peels could be used / beneficial / turned into businesses
Skiing could be synchronized
The elderly could have inflatable airbags that detect falls
Beach bags could easy to clean / flat bottomed / large / durable
Travel could be without baggage / clothes could be rented
A healthy cigarette / vape could be created
Faces / DNA tests could reveal one's true age
Cars could be designed for women
Bathtubs could be rented
Mental health services could be on-demand / walk-in / virtual
Therapy could be through walking
Tornado storm chasing could be tourism
A tornado storm chaser truck could be developed
Tornadoes could be controlled / stopped
Strangers could meet for meals
Public transportation could sell holiday merchandise / arrange festivals
Luggage / things could be transported / shipped easily at low cost
The "Care Economy" could be incubated / formalized / nationalized across the world
Motion devices could be useful for baby sleep
Polls could ask people about their neighbors
People could need less sleep with a drug
Tap / bottled water quality / chemicals could be discovered
High heels could be comfortable like sneakers
Japanese food / onigiri / rice balls could be sold at 7-Elevens worldwide
Bellies could be warm
Rivers could be climbed
Placentas could be used for burns, wounds, menopause, postpartum health, etc.
Gig workers / volunteers / seniors could provide care for the elderly / disabled
Low-cost, easy to use / maintain, irrigation pumps could be available to small-scale farmers
Kids could learn about / know daily routines / schedules
Fentanyl detection capability could be improved at the U.S. / Mexico border
Electric cars could be lighter to prevent pollution / safety issues
Marathoning could be Everesting
Business cards could be handed out for playdates
Face masks could have printed faces
Amusement parks could be designed by contemporary artists
Tinder could be for jobs
Cervical cancer could be checked without a pap smear
Baby powder mixes could prevent food allergies
"Executive health screenings / physicals" could be a part of regular healthcare
E-commerce returns could not end up as garbage
A polo could be made with a dress collar
Lactose could be better than corn syrup in baby formula
Clear-air turbulence could be detected to prevent injuries
Board decks could improve
Power grid / energy usage could be reduced with incentives / rewards
Genetically engineered cows could produce insulin
Handpicked, ripe cherries could produce the best coffee
People could have additional time with deceased loved ones in hospitals / hospices
Wearable tech could accurately measure breastfeeding milk delivered to babies
Digital technology / data / plant genomics / biologicals / precision agriculture / autonomous machines could dramatically change agriculture
Human breastmilk could be commercially sold
Low-cost, rapid, point-of-care, diagnostic health tests could save millions of lives
Wearable technology / metrics could improve skiing / sport ability
Lift-the-flap children's books could help with bilingual language learning
Immunity cubes could keep sickness away
Extreme sledding could take place on ski slopes
Patent filing / patents expiring could lead to business formation
Computing could be quantum
The FDA (or independent private organizations) could test drug safety
U.S. organ transplantation supply logistics / guidelines for use / suppliers could be better
Cribs could have mesh sides instead of bars
Social clubs could be developed for automotive aficionados
A pulsating electric fence / magnetic technology could keep sharks away
Office chairs could self-park
Extreme weather could be turned into blessings
Toothpaste / drinking water could be fluoride-free
Immigrant communities could have cultural retirement centers
New parents could go to a "village" retreat center after birth
Better / drier seed storage could prevent food loss
Post-harvest losses from smallholder farmers could be reduced with moisture testing / hermetic bags / threshing services / warehouses
Silos / food storage in schools could prevent food waste / malnutrition in developing countries
Silent lawn appliances (leaf blowers / mowers) could be invented
Expectant mothers could have virtual expert support 24/7 / proactive screening / postpartum support / wearable health technology / insurance covered doulas
Electronic fetal monitoring could be more accurate / use wireless sensors / be easier for mothers to use / internal
Kids / families could do "tough mudders" obstacle courses
Hairdressers / other places could help those with autism / sensory sensitivity
Existing brokerage accounts / pre-built strategies could be automatically copied from top investors
Popcorn flour could make pancakes / other foods
Tires could contribute less to air pollution
Nicotine products / gum / lozenges could be better / help people quit
Asian night markets could be around
Police cars could be bulletproof
HR payment platforms could enable women to keep their earnings
Homes in developing countries could have healthier / durable / affordable floors
Animal colostrum / breast milk could have medical / health benefits but be abusive
Business deal "doulas" could exist
LinkedIn could be made for specific professions
A "document locker" could help people access social benefits
Warm compresses / perineal massage / hands on / other methods could prevent vaginal tears during childbirth
Buildings could be made of cob / clay / mud
Pneumatic tubes could be used for flirting in nightclubs
Kits could teach how to create crochet / complicated arts and crafts
Sodium, potassium, magnesium could be the important nutrients in electrolyte / sports drinks / low-carb diets
A puffer coat could be a gown / cape
Full body scans could detect cancer
Operating rooms / hospitals could have video / audio recording capability
Baby changing mats could be waterproof, down-sloping, soft foam
European baby formula could be healthier than the U.S.
Pickle juice (acid) could stop muscle cramps
Breast milk could be freeze-dried
Medical expertise / advice / diagnosis could be automated by AI
Fair compensation could rewarded in personal injury cases with AI
A business could develop overlooked / logjammed drugs by pharmaceutical companies
Dishwashers could be small / portable
Pajamas / clothes could be chemical-free / naturally flame-retardant
Hormones / neurosteroids / sleep / medication could prevent / treat postpartum depression
Homeowners could sell directly to buyers
Tiny cabins in nature could be available to rent
Single-use, retractable needles / needle-free injectors could be used in hospitals / developing countries / with drug users
Nitrous oxide / other pain management methods could be used for childbirth
Dinners could be held outside on farms, beaches, parks, etc.
Wines could be blended blind from different barrels / vineyards
Restaurants could have stools / mini chairs / hooks for purses
Crew / cast members could be given additional equity on movies
Cookies and pies could be combined
Espresso could be in a pocket to-go
Tents could be cooler / warmer
Bars / spaces could be for listening
Prisoners could vape
Gangs could use differently colored paintball guns
Medicine / computer chips / weapons / batteries etc. could not depend solely on foreign supply chains / single factories
Mercury, PCBs, antibiotics, dioxins, pesticides, other contaminants in seafood could not be there / be reduced
Baby bottles could make it easier to switch to breastfeeding / reduce colic, gas, and reflux
Bumper cars could be on ice
Weighted, strapless eye pods could help with sleep
Beaches / swimming could be more accessible to those with disabilities
Better testing could differentiate between viral / bacterial infections
Ice cream / milkshakes could be boozy
Monitoring heartbeats / blood pressure / infections / iron levels at home could prevent maternal pregnancy death
Pro athletes could have financial education
Supper clubs / underground dining / pop-ups could be hosted in homes or other venues
Affordable short musical / dance / art performances could be available to book
Cities / nonprofits / apps could offer befriending services
Pregnant women could have midwives and OB-GYNs, doulas, tech supported care and monitoring, earlier appointments, and 3x the postpartum visits / care
Rural water systems could be monitored with sensors
New York City could containerize its trash
UTIs / bladder infections / liver could be treated with d-mannose
Cafes / homes could use reusable milk kegs / glasses
Soaking food could increase nutritional value
Retreats could be available for women going thru menopause
Dining / breathwork / sculpting could be in the nude
Black boxes / flight recorders on planes could improve
Beer could made from powder
Jet engines could be in cars
Trash could become jet fuel
Small towns could be turned into tourist destinations
Smart toilets could test for diseases / monitor health
Grandmothers / the elderly could cook in restaurants
Butt / knee / body padding could be helpful for sports
Developing countries could have lower priced drugs
In-home toilets with waste collection could be available in areas without sewer systems
Organizations could improve gender and diversity equality / advancement / inclusion with software / data analysis
New food pairings could be invented
Glass could become sand / rebuild coastlines / be upcycled
Buttons could be compasses
Wellness clubs could exist
Vending machines / ATMs could sell processed, safe milk / foods from small farmers
Greeting cards could be edible
Solar food drying / dehydration technology / methods could create less food waste / safe foods in developing countries
Nightclubs could be / convert into fitness studios
Towels could have two zones
Windows could be solar panels
Solar energy could create extreme heat
Solar panels could be easy to put on windows / form shapes
Processing equipment could be used to produce safe food in developing countries
Beneficial Chinese medicine / herbs could be available direct-to-consumer
Heels could be round / sculptural
Anti-parasitic drugs could be useful in treating viruses
Yachts could turn into submarines
Boats could be impossible to capsize
Lung diseases could be prevented among miners / effective masks could be available
An exercise machine could mimic climbing
The pizza box could evolve
Pharmaceutical companies could make safe and effective marijuana / psychedelic drugs
Marijuana could not have mold, bacteria, pesticides / better safety standards
Bikes could be on railroad tracks
Pillows could prevent wrinkles / aging
Head spas / scalp massage and treatments could exist
Defense / government contractors could be tech startups / additional companies
Food could be made out of petroleum / cellulose / have no calories
Brain data could be mapped / integrated with machines
Powder could make cooking oil disposal easier
Dry needling could be used on trigger points / pain
Women / girls could more easily obtain bank accounts / loans / savings
Black could be blacker than black
Butter could be exceptional
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) / nonhormonal supplements / creatine could be used in menopause for improved women's health
Food waste could become nutritious soil in less than 24 hours
Food scraps / compost could turn into animal feed
Babyccinos could be served at cafes
Biomarkers could be tracked to determine "inner age" / lifestyle changes / longevity
Diagnostic testing could be done before IUI / IVF / recurrent pregnancy loss
Grassfed, grazing cattle could sequester more carbon than produced
Chocolate could not have toxic metals
Upscale Jell-O shots could be served at bars / restaurants
Hotels could offer key / wallet bracelets
Mini cocktails / shooters / cocktail flights could be served
Geezers could go to rock shows / dance parties
Soda could be mixed with milk / syrups
Circuses / theater could be floating
Climbing skins could be applied to skis
Roman concrete could be more durable / "self-heal"
Beer could be warm / hot
Strain, recovery, and sleep quality data could be collected
Spas could be hammams
Tracking devices could make it easier to find lost luggage
Satellites could be pinged for help in areas with no wifi / internet
Dogs could do yoga
Litigation funding could take money from / offer predatory loans to clients but also offer money to sue
Plant-based meat could be made primarily from mushrooms
Radiators could have warming drawers for bread / plates / gloves / other things
Backgammon could be played in nightclubs
Ski poles could be flasks
Spices could be single-origin, fresh, and beneficial for farmers
Desert could become soil
Carbon dioxide could be pumped underground and turned into peridotite / carbonate minerals
Smallholder farmers could have a greenhouse-in-a-box
Flowers could become leather / incense sticks
Stones with seaweed spores could grow seaweed forests
Meal delivery could be for kids' meals / include educational activities
A bubble barrier could catch plastic waste in rivers / canals
Urinals could be splash-free
Porta-potties could make waste collection / conversion easy, provide jobs, and include handwashing stations
Human waste could be turned into energy, insect feed, and/or fertilizer
A search engine could be mobile-sized, involve swiping, and aggregate other search engines
Wet wipes could be compostable, refillable, stylish, and biodegradable
Cooling underwear could improve male fertility, testosterone, and relieve scrotal pain
Microbial fungus on seeds could restore carbon in soil, promote plant growth, and grow with less water
Vegan fish could be 3-D printed
Genetic variants / epigenetic change / DNA fragmentation / oxidative stress / incompatibility could be tested to determine potential fertility issues
Mittens could be for two hands
The automat could be brought back
Lights could clap on and off
Hormones, antidepressants, steroids, antibiotics, pharmaceuticals etc. could be removed from drinking water
Kids could have a traffic light clock
Issues with progesterone in ovulation could be discovered
A sleeping bag could be used on flights
Geothermal could be a significant renewable energy resource
"Supercrops" / "green revolution" crops could use less irrigation / pesticides and suck nitrogen / carbon out of the air
Carbon dioxide could be turned into rock
Watering plants could be foolproof
Taxes could be collected in developing countries
Showers could be in a human washing machine / drier
Crop residue burning could be turned into fuel or livestock feed / bedding
Teslas / electric / lithium batteries could be modified to not catch on fire
Wind turbines could be bladeless, noise-free, not harm birds, on rooftops, and produce more power
Inherited / acquired diseases could be tracked through cells / stem cells and stored
Rideshares could be for kids
Modern furniture could be rented online
Egg freezing / donation could be done at the same time to lower costs
A fund of funds could be developed for angel investing
Kowbucha, seaweed, algae, vaccines, etc. could reduce cow methane emissions
Beach umbrellas could be solar
Cars / motorcycles could have one wheel
Toasters could be clear
Cord blood, tissue, and/or the placenta could be used for medical purposes rather than thrown away
Clothes could grow
Phase-change material could make clothes hot or cold
Coffee / drinks / food could be served by a robot
Pig skin could be a cheaper cornea replacement to prevent blindness
Ferries could be electric / fly
Backpacks could be segmented
Making popular YouTube videos could be profitable
Hotels could offer experiential journeys, exercise classes, and/or wellbeing treatments
Drinks / food could not be in plastic
Venom could have health benefits
Google could reward its engineers beyond product launches / dead products could be revived
Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs) could be screened for pre- and post-partum with available treatment options
Houses could come in a box and unfold in less than an hour
Wealth managers could not be incentivized to cross-sell high fee financial products
Supplements could be taken to reduce bloating
Jackfruit could be good for the planet, easy for farmers to grow, and eaten as a meat substitute
Virtual visits with Santa, the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, etc. could be a business
Women could have social clubs / gathering spaces / fitness clubs
Social clubs / coworking spaces could have events, food, wellness / gym, and beautifully designed interiors
Female leaders / employees could connect, learn, and grow
People could work for non-hierarchal DAOs and get paid in tokens
Candy could be made with beneficial honey / ingredients
Hearing aids could be more accessible with wireless bluetooth earbuds
Treasure hunting / archeology could be invested in / a hobby
Beds could be bigger
Venture / angel funds could be rolling
Digital distributed energy could provide energy in emerging markets
Private equity could hold companies long-term / have tax advantages like Berkshire Hathaway
Earrings could have flat backs
Meal delivery apps could be used for flowers / gifts / medicine
Toothbrush germs could be killed
Travelers could get paid to shop and bring items to people in other countries
Cats could have "catios"
Prediction markets could improve future forecasts / public policy
Food could be created from carbon dioxide, microbes, water, and energy
Hotels could be like Airbnbs
Sandpaper could be flexible
Funeral services could be improved in Egypt / other places
Chocolate (or other food) could have aphrodisiac ingredients
A rechargeable solar battery could be a power backup / enable off grid living
Vending machines / ATMs could be owned for income
Animal / pets languages could be understood
Drinks could have meat straws
Pets could have vitamins / supplements
Cutting back on drinking could work with habits / accountability partners
The IRS could be modernized
Pickle juice (or savory drinks) could be become popsicles
Pools / hot tubs could be inflatable
Cruise ships could pollute less / dump less sewage / use different fuel
Children could build forts with play couches
Burger / sandwich buns could be made with rice
Rockets could be 3-D printed
Microroasting, lighter roasts, and using coffee beans within 0 - 21 days after roasting could bring out better coffee flavors
Ground coffee could stay fresh, preserved, and be in small packets
Airline passengers could stay in their own wheelchairs when flying
Sleepwear could be insect-proof
Playgrounds and pubs / cafes / restaurants could be combined
Gyms could have gamification / be like video games
Entrepreneurs could pick concepts from multiple designers for branding / logos
Pets could have automatic feeders
Salt could be roasted inside bamboo for higher mineral content / unique taste
Weapon sales could not get into the wrong hands / be tracked / not occur
Purses, bags, backpacks, wallets, jackets, clothes etc. could charge phones
Jars / bottles could make animal / nature noises
Ice cream could be made out of whipped fat, berries, meat, and sweeteners
The pharmacy experience / mistakes / billing inaccuracies could be improved
Babies could have dark environments to sleep
A tire could be 3D printed, have no air, and not need to be replaced
Flavor cartridges could be used in reusable water bottles
Ice cream could be fresh churned with liquid nitrogen
The Choco Taco could continue to exist
Wood sculpting could be used in massage
Kids could try out different jobs for fun
Coffee could be washed (wet), unwashed (natural/dry), honey (pulped/natural) or processed differently
Facials could use Biologique Recherche
Solar microgrids could provide power and withstand hurricanes / tropical storms
An "internal shower" could help with constipation
Suction vibrators could help with breastfeeding
"Boring" businesses could be bought / create cash flow
HCG / estrogen / progesterone levels could be tracked to predict miscarriages earlier
Psychedelic drugs (or non-lethal chemical weapons) could be used in interrogations / warfare instead of torture / weapons
Carbon credits could be more reliable / easier to access by blockchain and crypto
Algae could become biofertilizer, bioplastic, pollution control (sewage and fertilizers), food / vitamins, fuel, fish and mushroom feed, and dyes/stabilizers
Bricks could be made from invasive algae
Quail eggs with juice could be breakfast / other food
a diaper bag could be designed for a stroller
Floating obstacle courses could be on water
Pilates could be reformed / use machines
Hydroponic farming could provide income and nutrients for urban residents
Aquatic drones could collect waste in oceans / rivers
Litter / plastic waste could become prosthetics
Telecoaching, prescribed medications, Sinclair method, semiglutides, and/or digitally connected breathalyzers could help with alcoholism / addiction
Abbreviated MRIs could be better than mammograms / ultrasounds to detect breast cancer (particularly for younger women / dense breasts)
Museum tours could be better
Baseball (and other sports) could be more fun
Sunscreen could be shimmery, glowy, and/or clear
Prenatal vitamins could be lacking in / provide too much of certain nutrients
Kitchen utensils could be easy to access / take up less counter space
Startups could access financing even when small
Fintech could offer Growth Capital as a Service (GCaaS) for digital companies
Teams / employees could have access to news without subscriptions
Preschool could be from home / virtual
Cookstoves could be solar / satellite dishes
Cryptocurrency could be gambled online
Progesterone gel / pills instead of shots could be used during IVF / pregnancy
Airbnbs could create real estate income cash flow
Pools could be in shipping containers
Women could have viagra
Weddings / events could have a "la hora loca"
Dandelions could be made into wine, mead, amaro, salads / greens, coffee substitutes, and tonics
Deli food could be vegan
AI / radar / radio waves could detect guns, knives, and explosives
Maple syrup could be a liquor
Baby formula / foods could not have heavy metals
Fermentation could produce sustainable, healthier, and better tasting oils / fats
Chairs could be easier for the elderly / disabled
Vegan ice cream could be made from extra virgin olive oil
Kinetic dance floors, sidewalks, and floors could create energy
Kangaroo jumping could be exercise
Pistachio could be a spread
Mayan abdominal massages could be beneficial for fertility, period pain, prostate inflammation, and more
Trash could become cash / rewards in developing countries
Moss could be on buildings
Breathable (without chemicals) infant mattresses could or could not prevent SIDs
Citrus and hot pepper sprays could cause alertness
Babies could have weighted swaddles / sacks but might not be safe
Local, hydroponic greenhouses could provide fresh, pesticide-free, low water / energy produce
Diapers could be made with cotton linings / plant-based materials
Neurokinetic therapy could relieve pain and rebuild muscles
Stay-at-home parents could be paid for providing childcare
Unique Asian / world cuisine sauces could be available
Dogs / animals could detect diseases
"Cooling houses" with seawater, solar energy, and cardboard could grow crops in the desert
Low-grade electrical currents could be used in facials and skincare
Ice machines could be easier to clean
Side projects / little businesses could be acquired
Rockets could be reusable and space travel could be affordable
Blood sugar / glucose could be monitored throughout the day
Remote care management tech could improve chronic conditions
Screening could be standardized / increased for prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes
Mobile wallets could be carried across borders
Prescription bottles could be compostable
Hardened wood could be sharper than steel
Children creativity / inventions could be celebrated on a TV show
Seltzer could be hand delivered
Women could have easy-to-use mirrors during puberty, birth, and other times
Dating could be at in-person events
Dining could be a communal experience
Coffee grounds could be recycled into fuel, flavor, raw material, and fire logs
The "overview effect" could change perspectives
Circuses could use holograms
Employees could have employer-matched emergency savings accounts
Brain activity / blood flow could be continuously monitored for strokes
Homemade, affordable air purifiers could be created
Theranos (blood testing) could have worked
Quality, urban, low-income housing could be available in developing countries
Silk flowers could be used instead of fresh
Cow milk production / breeding could improve in developing countries
Highly fertile, fast growing, and disease-resistant chickens could be available in developing countries
People could go on group dates
Electronic stimulation could create faster muscle recovery and pain management
Healthy school meals could be provided to children
Lights and planters could be combined
Video games could be provided in hospitals / nursing homes
Fracking could enhance geothermal energy
Bioplastic could be made from crops / hemp / sugar / seaweed / food waste and biodegrade
Milk could be made from potatoes
Pillows could have built-in speakers
Working / living temperatures could be cooler or warmer with roofs / fans in developing countries
Fishing gear could be biodegradeable
Employee background checks could be faster
Customized solar power could be provided in developing countries
Cryptocurrency holders could have wealth management
Cybersecurity could be for home / local networks
Red light therapy could be targeted
Showers could have microbubbles
Electric scooters could have smoother rides
Pregnancy tests could be flushable
Water could be extracted from the air, mineralized, and act as a dehumidifier
"Glamour shots" could be rebooted
Fishing nets could have green lights to prevent bycatch
Appliance technicians could be trained and on-demand
Takeout containers could be reusable or compostable
Two people could walk a dog at the same time
Bowling balls could have scents
The Einstellung Effect could be avoided when problem-solving
Famous people's homes could be turned into museums or airbnbs
Solving indoor air pollution could prevent around 4 million deaths a year
Coffee / tea cups could be compostable, lid-free, recyclable, and/or plastic-free
Porta-potty public restrooms could be nice and found through an app
Private travel clubs could create memorable experiences
Apartments / remote work could be on cruises
Boats could have hot tubs and/or spas
Yachts and blimps could be combined
Perfume / cologne could be affordable, high quality, non-toxic, and cruelty-free
Animal manure could be disposed of / reused in an environmentally-safe way
Tables could have heaters underneath
Pillows could be made out of buckwheat
Bombs could make drinks
Underwear could have room for ice / heat packs
Bean-to-bar chocolate could create new, complex flavors
Traditional pathways to going pro in sports could change
Wine could be made from oranges
Roller coasters could be pedal-powered
Biking could be on roller coasters
Moisturizer could be a body stone or bar
Baby vitals could be tracked through wearables
Mobile e-commerce could be brought to developing country consumers
Businesses could safely donate excess food and reduce overproduction
Flights could be supersonic
Tiles could be made of / eat up smog
Peer coaching could help with personal and professional goals
Coffee could be hyper fresh
Parents could have stain-resistant clothes
Crop residue could be turned into mushrooms and reduce air pollution
Pet owners could date
The global health supply chain could be faster, cheaper, and safer
50+ types of cancer could be detected through a blood test
Methane leaks could be spotted from space and plugged
Small business owners could have better financing opportunities than predatory cash loans
College could include ranching, self-governance, and no tuition
Coffee, meat, other foods could be synthetically created
Public Expenditure Tracking surveys (PETS) could improve to audit governments
Wine could be stored under the sea
Chlorine could be created / dispensed in developing countries
Long-acting contraceptive devices could be easy to insert
Mother to child transmission of HIV could be prevented with a pouch
Medical oxygen could be available and uninterrupted by power outages
Buses could be bicycles
Nitrogen fertilizer could be produced by the air
Pasta factories using durum semolina flour could exist
Cars / motorcycles could fly
Sublingual immunotherapy could be used for allergies / asthma
Drinks could have covers
Modular / prefab construction could become popular
Toilets could be cleaned with electrolyzed water
Nursing homes / retirement villages could be combined with childcare centers
Digestive bitters could be good for digestion
Babies could be prevented from throwing things on the floor
Babies could worn in clothes
Hovershoes / hoverboards could be ways to get around
Medicinal / herbal wine, mead, cider, and beer could be made
Greeting cards could be 3-D
Traditional homemade dishes could be delivered
Different types of wood could be used for smoking / grilling
Urine / human waste could be used as large scale fertilizers
Sprinkling rock dust on agriculture could have a big effect on climate change
Theme parks could be operating construction equipment
Gyms could be for stretching
Blockchain could create secure and transportable identification, health, land, education, financial, voting, and employment records
Minimum balance, banking fees, accessibility / location, lack of public education / financial literacy outreach could be deterrents to financial inclusion
The cassava plant could undergo a genetic and breeding revolution
Water could be charged by the sun or moon
Satellites, drones, and artificial intelligence could battle wildfires
Free smartphones / solar chargers could be provided to poor, rural women using an advertising-based revenue model
Pizza could be served with organ pipes / concerts
More varieties of sustainable meat could be available
Tires could have socks
Entrepreneurs could treat, package, and distribute water in reusable bottles to communities
Beekeeping could be an industry that protects environments and provides livelihoods
Paper products could be made from bamboo
Restaurants could use an "ordercube"
Wetsuits could enhance survival in surfing / open water
Perfume could smell like the natural world
Scuba diving could be snuba diving
ProZorro could improve government contracting / corruption
Industrial effluent could be regulated for release / made into a profitable business to prevent pollution
Rugs, bathmats, woven wall hangings, throw blankets, etc. could be abstract modern art
A fanny pack could support a baby
Swimming pools, basketball courts, private gyms/studios, etc. could be rented out
Loans / cash could be accessed by the poor to end debt slavery
Women entrepreneurs could deliver solar power
Restaurants / bars could float and cruise around
Women's access to direct deposit / financial services could lead to empowerment
Surprise bags preventing food waste could be bought from restaurants/grocery stores
Cargo ships / cruises could have sails or use hydrogen / solar power
Timeshare ownership could be purchased for weekend / vacation / second homes
A "microdraught" could result in the perfect drink pour
Dumplings could be a subscription service
Allied healthcare professionals could be the last mile in delivering quality healthcare
Bodies could be protected from chafing
Gym / fitness studios and exercise classes could be outside
Native American food could be served in restaurants
Concrete could absorb rather than release carbon dioxide
Basketball hoops could be portable, track player analytics, and feed the ball back
Fast casual restaurants could serve West African food
Coffee creamer could be free of chemicals
Doctors could access accurate drug data (not from sales reps) to safely / effectively prescribe drugs
Massive solar farms in deserts could have environmental consequences
Solar panels over canals could create renewable energy and save water
Photography could support nonprofits / charity
Famous coaches / athletes / teams could host fantasy sports camps
IVF / fertility treatment could be less expensive and covered by insurance/companies
Bees, goats, rabbits, and/or chickens could be rented
Men could wear makeup
Vogue dance / exercise classes / groups could be available
U.S. public health departments could have updated technology for communication/distribution and improved data standards
Real estate could be bought pre-foreclosure
Adults could have playgrounds
Jewelry could be designed online
Fabric could increase cell regeneration and body circulation
Sleepwear could be beautiful
Advanced geospatial monitoring and mining tools preventing use of mercury/opportunities for miners could protect the environment
Clinical knowledge, health workers' absenteeism rates, corruption/bribes/theft, power outages, and drug/medical supply availability / counterfeit medications could be improved in global health
Babies could have knee pads
Millions of tons of fishing bycatch / deaths could be reduced through different fishing methods
Crops could be grown in the ocean
New pasta shapes could be invented
Food waste could become animal feed
Plastics could help capture carbon emissions
Soup / liquids could be frozen easily
A bicycle could turn into a washing machine
Car racks could be reinvented to use less energy
Business ideas could be collected / found online
Bras could fit well
The moka coffee pot could still be used
Baby baths could be more comfortable and convenient
Highways/roads could be solar powered
Hand sanitizer could cause hormone disruption, weaker immune systems, and antibiotic resistance
High-heeled shoes could convert into flats
Negotiation could be a business service
Locust plagues could create animal feed and fertilizer
Biking could be across ice and snow
Weeds / pests could be removed without pesticides / herbicides
Phosphorous could be collected and used differently
Power stations could replace gas generators
Plastic waste could be recycled into material stronger than concrete
Walkers could be hands-free and prevent falls
Sneakers / shoes could be made for people with disabilities or pregnant women
Ground orchid tubers could make the salep drink
Cups / silverware / plates / bowls could be eaten
Shower / tap water could be filtered to not contribute to eczema and other skin conditions
Inventions could be crowdsourced online
Nuclear / radioactive waste could be used for energy or disposed safely
SUVs / trucks / cars could be made safer for pedestrians / bikers
Menotech could help women with menopause
Wool / clothes could be made with oyster shells and plastic from the ocean
Older artists could be celebrated and supported
Fingers could not be burned by microwaves
Kids could ride on and sleep in their luggage
A ring could reveal personal health information
Beer / other bottled drinks could stay cold
A balloon could preserve wine
The shape of a glass could affect a drink's taste
Strangers could be randomly matched to talk over the phone
Animal poo could make eco-friendly paper / support animal rescue
Wheel surfaces could be changed without changing the wheel
The U.S. Federal Reserve system could be replaced with the gold standard, computer program, or be more accountable / transparent / audited
Cookware could be transparent
Showers could have steamers / aromatherapy
Eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary, mint, lemongrass, and other herbs could be hung in the shower for health benefits
A breakup bootcamp could help heal broken hearts
A beard bib could make sink cleanup a breeze
Nursing homes could be personalized and smaller
Beer and BBQ spices could be combined
Unique heirloom beans could be used in cooking
Quinoa, millet, sorghum, fonio, barley, oat, sweet potato, other crops, etc. could better ease malnutrition, water availability, and hunger in developing countries
The art of making a New York bagel could be taught
Gourmet food could be sent from famous restaurants
Babies could have health-tracking wearables
An ice hat could help relieve headaches
Aflatoxin could be prevented in developing countries' crops
Exercise classes could be an emotional release
Single-use plastic and plastic packaging could be not used
Turkeys could be carved with a chainsaw
A sleep pod could provide calming pressure
Caffeine could be consumed with other ingredients for more stable energy levels
Judicial systems could be reformed by better case management technology
Pregnant women and new mothers could access workouts to prevent diastasis recti
Non-native / invasive species could be hunted, eaten, marketed as a sustainable food source
Shapewear could be better
Superfood nutrition mix powders could have less additives
Forest products could be harvested easily to prevent deforestation
Water could be re-mineralized with salt, drops, containers, or filters
Ozone, UV light, and carbon could treat water instead of chlorine
Rocking could help with sleep
Insurance could prepare for famines, pandemics, weather changes, climate change, and humanitarian disasters
A water wheel could make it easier for clean water access
Plastic bottles could provide lighting
Sunflowers could be eaten like corn on the cob
A plastic bag device could be used for safer childbirth
Mattresses could be smart and cooling
Tattoos could monitor health
A chair could allow movement throughout the day
Flour could be made from beer, coffee, bananas, nuts, mesquite, acorns, etc.
Produce shelf-life could be extended to prevent food waste
Food, meal delivery, and restaurants could be certified as eco-friendly, labor-friendly, and/or sustainable
Regenerative agriculture/soil could have a big effect on climate change and health
Satellites could provide internet to the world but also block the night sky
Seaweed farming could fight against climate change / regenerate marine ecosystems / create new businesses
Industrial waste could be turned into bricks
An ear device could improve stress-inducing distortion, tinnitus, and sound quality
Coffee could have less potentially harmful chemicals
Alternative data could be accessible to retail investors
Drones could be used to fight fires
A restaurant, bar, bookstore, coffee shop, and community events venue combined could exist
Evaporative cooling / refrigeration could reduce food waste
Clothes could repel ticks
Bamboo bicycles could be built
Water could have sommeliers
Dehydration could be prevented in nursing homes and the elderly
UV cleaning robots could be used
New businesses could form from unbundling
Military veterans / war survivors could receive healthcare for burn pit / toxic exposures and different disposal methods could be invented / used
Ice skating could be on snow
Shoe and sock grips could be inspired by snakeskin and kirigami
Matzoh could be a sweet or salty snack
Solar panels could be spherical
Drinks could have electrolytes without sugar
Breast pumps could be discreet, rechargeable, and have a portable storage cooler
High-quality frozen food could be sold at grocery stores
Guitars could have attachable stands
Ponytails and buns could be less painful
Telementoring / telemedicine could help underserved communities access quality healthcare
Artificial intelligence glasses could help the blind see
Coffee fruit could be beneficial to diets / skincare
Sneakers could lace themselves / respond to feet
Foam could be used instead of wet wipes
Breast pumps could be silent and wearable
Nail polish / salons could not be toxic
Vitamins could be distributed throughout the developing world
Algae could be made into shoes
Grocery stores could sell unattractive, mislabeled, or expired food at lower cost
Pharmacies could make less prescription mistakes
Beauty products could be fair trade, vegan, not animal-tested, and organic
An Amazon FBA business could create income
Airlines could eliminate single-use plastic
Yoga could be practiced in the snow
Startups and businesses could be copied
Auditors could be audited
Spirits could be distilled from new ingredients
Jackets, coats, and clothes could be lit up, cooled, or heated
Towels could be quick drying and light
A pitstop "refresh" location could be available to busy travelers or in cities/towns
Tea could be dissolving crystals or drops
A single information system could be used for people seeking social / homeless / housing services
Heirloom corn produced in specific areas could be used and cultivated
Refugees could be trained as baristas
Menstrual products could not contain potentially harmful chemicals / PFAS
Robot birds could help end bird strikes on airplanes
Vacations could be learning from an artist or craftsman
Gray hair could be restored to its natural color
Auto repair shops could be female-focused and have nail salons
Adults could go to summer camps or wellness retreats
Children could be prepared for kindergarten through an online learning program
Micro-fragmenting could rebuild coral reefs
Granola bars could be made from beer waste
Beer and wine could be combined
Luggage could be redesigned
Waffles could be moffles and donuts / muffins could be made from mochi
Candles could be body lotion
Drinks, food, or gum could be euphoric (contain CBD, adaptogens, nootropics, botanics, caffeine, or hemp extract)
Birch trees could be tapped for water, beer, syrup, kvass, and flavor
Exercise classes could use surfboards
Cheap, healthy fast food could be available
Ice cream could be enriched with protein and have lower sugar
Kitty litter boxes could clean themselves
Candy and gum could be without sugar / good for teeth
Mushrooms could be added to food or drinks
Apps could encourage saving / budgeting as well as offer financial advice / education / rewards
Bone broth could be used as soup stock
Nitrogen could be added to coffee
Parking lots / pavement could be green and permeable
Sardinian wine could prolong life
Food, water, drinks, or condiments could be fortified with micronutrients
Low income patients could get virtual access to specialist care
Absorbent underwear could help with periods and incontinence
Humans could decompose into soil / the sea
Pit latrines could be closed off from open air
Juice boxes / sports drinks with less sugar could be available
Medical software could be easier / quicker / inter-operable
Didgeridoo playing could aid sleep apnea
Meals could be drunk
Rideshares could be used for emergency ambulances
Backpacks could float
Smart lockers could enable patients to access medication more easily
Microinsurance could be offered to low-income people
Restaurants could only serve dessert
Coffee leaves could be made into tea and support farmers year-round
Affordable, eco-friendly menstrual pads / cups / discs could be made by and sold to women in developing countries
Public policy ideas could be easier to access through artificial intelligence
Dance parties could be in the morning
Places could be available for naps or meditation
STD testing could be at home
An anger room could help people relieve stress
Government contractors with public interest in mind could oversee other contractors
Pacifiers could be designed differently / be attached to stuffed animals
Tea could not contain pesticides / herbicides, toxic mold, or heavy metals
Tea bags could not contain plastic or be chlorine-bleached
Every location could have an address
Sewage could be converted into potable water and electricity
Wine could be cooled instantly
Government agencies, schools, hospitals, police, universities, foundations, prisons, workplaces, elections, judiciary systems, and nonprofits could collect, publicize, and use citizen feedback
Water could be available in an edible blob
A jacket, vest, or chair could give a hug / be weighted
Housing could be intergenerational
Kayaks and canoes could be foldable
5 Steps To Turn Your Business Around
Companies could offer regular and increased hours to workers
Garbage system upheaval - Sell your "foodjuice"
Unopened, unexpired medications could be provided to patients in need
Babies could go to spas
A 60 mile wide device could clean up litter in the oceans
Aquariums / aquaculture could be gardens
A central cloud-based organ registry could exist
Instruments could be made from trash
3D Printing Services
A device placed on a window could reduce noise
A tree "teepee" could save water and fertilizer
Bike lights could be unstealable and indestructible
Carbon Credit trading platform
Windows could be gardens
Toothbrushes could be biodegradable
People could learn from others in their community or people online
People could create / share dinners in communities
A credit scoring system could be developed for unbanked individuals to qualify for financing
Mushrooms could be used in burials to alleviate the release of body toxins
Homecooked meals could be shared with strangers
Guns could have additional required consumer safety standards / features / inventions
Fungi could be used for packaging, containers, and insulation
People could have access to personal DNA tests
Meat could be grown in a lab
Conifers (spruce, pines, firs) could be used in tea, syrups, and other foods/drinks
Identification systems / digital IDs could be built for citizens
Wine could be mixed with water