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How Venture Capital could be different

Startup health insurers (insurtechs) / tech might not be able to succeed easily

Business deal "doulas" could exist

Journalists could become venture capitalists

Defense / government contractors could be tech startups / additional companies

Large U.S. private companies could do financial disclosures

People could work for non-hierarchal DAOs and get paid in tokens

Venture / angel funds could be rolling

Startups / businesses could have less employees

Side projects / little businesses could be acquired

Super voting / dual-class shares could be given less to founders / CEOs

Women and minorities could have more access to business funding / venture capital

Venture capital / impact investing / angel investing / private equity / hedge funds / institutional investors could take ESG / world issues into account

Private equity / hedge funds / venture capital / real estate / investment firms could not illegally avoid taxes

Startup / business funding could have better options than venture capital / private equity

Venture capital could be like a ponzi scheme creating unstable business practices within startups

New businesses could form from unbundling

Passive investing could be better than active investing

Startups and businesses could be copied

Nonprofit funding could be like venture capital

Venture capital could reach entrepreneurs in diverse areas to create economic opportunities

Tech companies could take into account user well-being