Fruit peels could be used / beneficial / turned into businesses
A healthy cigarette / vape could be created
The "Care Economy" could be incubated / formalized / nationalized across the world
Gig workers / volunteers / seniors could provide care for the elderly / disabled
Low-cost, easy to use / maintain, irrigation pumps could be available to small-scale farmers
Cervical cancer could be checked without a pap smear
E-commerce returns could not end up as garbage
Clear-air turbulence could be detected to prevent injuries
Genetically engineered cows could produce insulin
Digital technology / data / plant genomics / biologicals / precision agriculture / autonomous machines could dramatically change agriculture
Human breastmilk could be commercially sold
Low-cost, rapid, point-of-care, diagnostic health tests could save millions of lives
Extreme weather could be turned into blessings
Post-harvest losses from smallholder farmers could be reduced with moisture testing / hermetic bags / threshing services / warehouses
Silos / food storage in schools could prevent food waste / malnutrition in developing countries
Electronic fetal monitoring could be more accurate / use wireless sensors / be easier for mothers to use / internal
Tires could contribute less to air pollution
HR payment platforms could enable women to keep their earnings
Full body scans could detect cancer
LK-99 could be the first room-temperature, ambient-pressure superconductor
Breast milk could be freeze-dried
A business could develop overlooked / logjammed drugs by pharmaceutical companies
Tents could be cooler / warmer
Mercury, PCBs, antibiotics, dioxins, pesticides, other contaminants in seafood could not be there / be reduced
Better testing could differentiate between viral / bacterial infections
Monitoring heartbeats / blood pressure / infections / iron levels at home could prevent maternal pregnancy death
Rural water systems could be monitored with sensors
Trash could become jet fuel
Glass could become sand / rebuild coastlines / be upcycled
Vending machines / ATMs could sell processed, safe milk / foods from small farmers
Solar food drying / dehydration technology / methods could create less food waste / safe foods in developing countries
Processing equipment could be used to produce safe food in developing countries
Lung diseases could be prevented among miners / effective masks could be available
Pharmaceutical companies could make safe and effective marijuana / psychedelic drugs
Defense / government contractors could be tech startups / additional companies
Women / girls could more easily obtain bank accounts / loans / savings
Food scraps / compost could turn into animal feed
Plant-based meat could be made primarily from mushrooms
Smallholder farmers could have a greenhouse-in-a-box
Porta-potties could make waste collection / conversion easy, provide jobs, and include handwashing stations
Whales / wildlife could be prevented from being struck by ships
Hormones, antidepressants, steroids, antibiotics, pharmaceuticals etc. could be removed from drinking water
Geothermal could be a significant renewable energy resource
"Supercrops" / "green revolution" crops could use less irrigation / pesticides and suck nitrogen / carbon out of the air
Showers could be in a human washing machine / drier
Crop residue burning could be turned into fuel or livestock feed / bedding
Wind turbines could be bladeless, noise-free, not harm birds, on rooftops, and produce more power
Kowbucha, seaweed, algae, vaccines, etc. could reduce cow methane emissions
Cord blood, tissue, and/or the placenta could be used for medical purposes rather than thrown away
Pig skin could be a cheaper cornea replacement to prevent blindness
Adopting could be quicker, cheaper, less hurdled by bureaucracy, legal / safe, and open to more (single people / LGBTQ+) to prevent millions of abandoned / vulnerable children worldwide
Digital distributed energy could provide energy in emerging markets
Funeral services could be improved in Egypt / other places
Cruise ships could pollute less / dump less sewage / use different fuel
Airline passengers could stay in their own wheelchairs when flying
Solar microgrids could provide power and withstand hurricanes / tropical storms
Carbon credits could be more reliable / easier to access by blockchain and crypto
Algae could become biofertilizer, bioplastic, pollution control (sewage and fertilizers), food / vitamins, fuel, fish and mushroom feed, and dyes/stabilizers
Bricks could be made from invasive algae
Aquatic drones could collect waste in oceans / rivers
Litter / plastic waste could become prosthetics
Abbreviated MRIs could be better than mammograms / ultrasounds to detect breast cancer (particularly for younger women / dense breasts)
Cookstoves could be solar / satellite dishes
AI / radar / radio waves could detect guns, knives, and explosives
Fermentation could produce sustainable, healthier, and better tasting oils / fats
Trash could become cash / rewards in developing countries
Moss could be on buildings
Stay-at-home parents could be paid for providing childcare
Social enterprises / nonprofits could have financing during disruptive events
Employees could have employer-matched emergency savings accounts
Quality, urban, low-income housing could be available in developing countries
Cow milk production / breeding could improve in developing countries
Highly fertile, fast growing, and disease-resistant chickens could be available in developing countries
Bioplastic could be made from crops / hemp / sugar / seaweed / food waste and biodegrade
Iron could encourage the growth of ocean phytoplankton to capture carbon
Working / living temperatures could be cooler or warmer with roofs / fans in developing countries
Fishing gear could be biodegradeable
Customized solar power could be provided in developing countries
Fishing nets could have green lights to prevent bycatch
Takeout containers could be reusable or compostable
Solving indoor air pollution could prevent around 4 million deaths a year
Coffee / tea cups could be compostable, lid-free, recyclable, and/or plastic-free
Animal manure could be disposed of / reused in an environmentally-safe way
Mobile e-commerce could be brought to developing country consumers
Businesses could safely donate excess food and reduce overproduction
Health technologies / solutions could be created in developing countries to be available faster
Crop residue could be turned into mushrooms and reduce air pollution
The global health supply chain could be faster, cheaper, and safer
50+ types of cancer could be detected through a blood test
Methane leaks could be spotted from space and plugged
Long-acting contraceptive devices could be easy to insert
Aquaculture could be automated
Nitrogen fertilizer could be produced by the air
Drones could plant forests
Good jobs / education could prevent gang recruitment / terrorism / drug cartels
Machines could suck carbon dioxide out of the air
Fridges could be powered by solar energy
Urine / human waste could be used as large scale fertilizers
Sprinkling rock dust on agriculture could have a big effect on climate change
Blockchain could create secure and transportable identification, health, land, education, financial, voting, and employment records
Mobile phones / smartphones could help with wildlife / nature conservation, disaster relief, disease outbreaks, education, election monitoring, financial inclusion, etc.
Free smartphones / solar chargers could be provided to poor, rural women using an advertising-based revenue model
More varieties of sustainable meat could be available
Venture capital / impact investing / angel investing / private equity / hedge funds / institutional investors could take ESG / world issues into account
Instructional videos could improve global health
Entrepreneurs could treat, package, and distribute water in reusable bottles to communities
Beekeeping could be an industry that protects environments and provides livelihoods
Single use, compostable toilets could be available in developing countries and humanitarian crises
Ducks and fish could be used in rice farming
Grazing herbivores and grasslands could preserve permafrost and methane
Industrial effluent could be regulated for release / made into a profitable business to prevent pollution
Loans / cash could be accessed by the poor to end debt slavery
Women's access to direct deposit / financial services could lead to empowerment
Solar panels over canals could create renewable energy and save water
Millions of tons of fishing bycatch / deaths could be reduced through different fishing methods
Crops could be grown in the ocean
Plastics could help capture carbon emissions
Weeds / pests could be removed without pesticides / herbicides
Phosphorous could be collected and used differently
Plastic waste could be recycled into material stronger than concrete
SUVs / trucks / cars could be made safer for pedestrians / bikers
Bamboo could help buildings withstand earthquakes
Pretrial detention / waiting periods for prisoners worldwide could be shorter / done differently
Dollar stores could offer healthier food options to consumers
Nursing homes could be personalized and smaller
Quinoa, millet, sorghum, fonio, barley, oat, sweet potato, other crops, etc. could better ease malnutrition, water availability, and hunger in developing countries
Funds could be raised for impact investment
ESG investing could have clearer metrics / standards / regulatory oversight to prevent green / social / ethics washing
Produce shelf-life could be extended to prevent food waste
Regenerative agriculture/soil could have a big effect on climate change and health
Seaweed farming could fight against climate change / regenerate marine ecosystems / create new businesses
ESG ratings could or could not influence companies positively
ESG / Socially Responsible stock investing could be a less useful than charity donations or impact capital investing
Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) could crowd out the private sector, create debt, underprice risk, change incentive structures for employees, and not sufficiently track impacts on the poor / environment
Medicine, hygiene items and sexual health products could be available in vending machines
Telementoring / telemedicine could help underserved communities access quality healthcare
Vitamins could be distributed throughout the developing world
Airlines could eliminate single-use plastic
People could be trained in offering high quality childcare
Summer school could be fun, engaging, and improve academic outcomes
A vaccine could be available for Lyme disease
Impact investors could redesign compensation and governance structures
Nonprofits and social enterprises could be listed on "social impact exchanges"
Cheap, healthy fast food could be available
Venture capital could reach entrepreneurs in diverse areas to create economic opportunities
Oysters / oyster shells could restore reefs along coastlines / prevent storm surges
Food crops could be bred to have micronutrients
Government economic incentives could increase the availability of healthy food
Food, water, drinks, or condiments could be fortified with micronutrients
Tax-free investments could revitalize distressed economic areas
Pit latrines could be closed off from open air
Rideshares could be used for emergency ambulances
STD testing could be at home
Clean cookstoves could be used in developing countries
Unopened, unexpired medications could be provided to patients in need
A central cloud-based organ registry could exist
Guns could have additional required consumer safety standards / features / inventions
Gun makers could be required to use microstamping technology