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How History could be different

Time could be cyclical

History textbooks could be written together by different countries / viewpoints

Films / books / poems depicting war reality could be used in history classes / school curriculums / for memorial days

Ancient battles could be recreated / reenacted

LIDAR could be used more in places throughout the world

An ancient apocalypse could have wiped out advanced civilizations

Treasure hunting / archeology could be invested in / a hobby

Human history could be rewritten

School curriculums / textbooks / history classes could affect transitional justice / peacebuilding / discrimination

Ancient aliens could have visited earth

Ancient world music could be recreated and played

History could be examined as a science with mathematics and data analysis

The Amazon rainforest could have undiscovered ancient cities and villages

The Holocaust and other genocides could be taught in schools

Movies / television could be historically accurate

Truth and reconciliation commissions could help bring about peace after internal unrest/violence/discrimination

Individual stories could be recorded and preserved

National educational, scientific, and historical standards could be set for school textbooks