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How Marriage could be different

"Fair Play" cards could be used to help divvy up domestic responsibilities

Indian women could not be defrauded by marriage / have to pay dowries

Child marriage could not be allowed in the U.S. / world

A note a day could keep divorce away

Extramarital affairs could be misunderstood

Two duvets could be used

Parallel play could be good for relationships

Love relationships could be inter-intimate

Life satisfaction / happiness could be affected by the u-curve

Societies could be matriarchal

Spouses could be platonic / friends

Spouses could live in separate houses with a bridge in between

Love could have five languages

Personality tests could be used for business partnerships, teamwork, and/or relationships

A metaphor for love could be a collaborative work of art

Marriages could be arranged by matchmakers and/or families

Marriage/relationships could have weekly check-ins

Divorces could require no courts, lawyers, or judges

36 questions could lead to lasting love in relationships

Couples could sleep in separate beds

Friendship could be "romantic"

Orgasm gaps could be less in relationships

Bed comforters could have two different temperatures

The welfare cliff could be fixed in public benefits to not discourage work / marriage

Marriage disincentives in public benefit programs could change

Healthy relationship skills / sex education could be taught in high school / college

Marriage could be a renewable contract