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How Community Colleges could be different

Charter schools could provide basic education and job training for adults

The workforce system could be revamped by accurate labor market data, better website information/applications/online courses, and employer/education coordination

"Summer melt" could be avoided to increase college attendance rates

Mentorship programs could help at-risk youth, drug addicts, homeless, ex-offenders, potential terrorists, immigrants, refugees, new employees, and students

Emergency financial microgrants could be provided to students

The I-Best model could be used for adult basic education and job training

Job training and education could be financed by future salaries

Job training vouchers could be distributed by companies

Community colleges could be free

Three kinds of tenure tracks could be used in universities

More advisement and support could increase college graduation rates

A new federal competitive grants program could be used to support better workforce training and education systems

Real time labor market information about worker resources and needs could be developed

Performance-based scholarships could increase student achievement

Learning communities at community colleges could promote student achievement

Families could receive assistance with the FAFSA form in order to increase college attendance

Student surveys could evaluate teachers and schools