Frozen, grated butter could be key to a good biscuit / pastry
Mayonnaise could be a secret ingredient in cakes / baked goods
Donuts could be made with sourdough
Maple sap could be poured on snow for dessert
Cookies and pies could be combined
Greeting cards could be edible
Pasta could be made out of chocolate
Dragon's Breath dessert could be unsafe
The Choco Taco could continue to exist
A pie could be baked within a cake
Heavy whipping cream could be poured over pre-packaged cinnamon rolls
Bean-to-bar chocolate could create new, complex flavors
Stores could just sell muffin tops!
Cakes could have jello
Biscotti could dipped in wine
Ground orchid tubers could make the salep drink
Chocolate could be produced without slavery and child labor
Candy and gum could be without sugar / good for teeth
A donut could be within a donut could be within a donut
Restaurants could only serve dessert