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How Childbirth / Pregnancy Labor / Caesareans / C-Sections could be different

NICUs could have private rooms for parents to stay nearby to newborns

Placentas could be used for burns, wounds, menopause, postpartum health, etc.

The breastfeeding "Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative" could be harmful to new mothers / babies

Nerve injuries / paralysis could be reduced during childbirth

The ambulance / hospital referral system for pregnant women / others could improve in developing countries

People could have additional time with deceased loved ones in hospitals / hospices

Parents of premie / preterm / NICU babies could receive extended parental leave

New mothers (particularly with birth injuries / tearing) could have the option of staying longer in the hospital post-childbirth

Antenatal breastmilk expression / collecting colostrum before birth could be beneficial for moms / babies

Breath / relaxation versus pushing could be more effective during childbirth labor

Screening for small placentas could prevent 30% of stillbirths

Labor inductions could be unnecessary / painful / require more interventions

New parents could go to a "village" retreat center after birth

The postpartum period could have "closing of the bones" ceremonies / belly binding

Expectant mothers could have virtual expert support 24/7 / proactive screening / postpartum support / wearable health technology / insurance covered doulas

Electronic fetal monitoring could be more accurate / use wireless sensors / be easier for mothers to use / internal

Earlier versus later (before 42 weeks) labor induction could be lower risk

Vaginal stitching / numbing / anesthesia could be botched / better during childbirth

Azithromycin could prevent maternal sepsis

Postpartum hemorrhage (PPM) could be prevented by obstetric measuring drapes / trays, IV iron infusions, misoprostol, balloons, and/or E-MOTIVE guidelines

Newborn babies could wait to be bathed

Warm compresses / perineal massage / hands on / other methods could prevent vaginal tears during childbirth

Fundal pressure / massage after childbirth could be unnecessary

Pregnant women could have the right / ability to get elective c-sections

Newborns and mothers could have uninterrupted skin-to-skin for at least 1-3 "golden hours" after birth / stay together as much as possible

Cervical membrane sweeping could be an informed choice / consent in childbirth and might not work

Nitrous oxide / other pain management methods could be used for childbirth

Cord clamping could be delayed in childbirth

Pregnancy cervical / vaginal checks could be unnecessary / harmful

The third stage of labor / afterbirth could be natural / less painful

Monitoring heartbeats / blood pressure / infections / iron levels at home could prevent maternal pregnancy death

Stillbirths could be prevented / researched more

Cord blood, tissue, and/or the placenta could be used for medical purposes rather than thrown away

C-sections could be gentler / safer

Pregnant women could be more prepared for / informed about C-sections

The false dichotomy between a "natural" / "unnatural" childbirth could change

The risks of vaginal births to both mother / child could be fully researched, considered, explained, and treated

Women could have easy-to-use mirrors during puberty, birth, and other times

Underwear could have room for ice / heat packs

Adequate paid leave / time off could be offered after miscarriage, stillbirth, grief / bereavement, and/or other traumatic events

The 4-6 week timeline for sexual readiness after childbirth could be misleading

Postpartum care could be improved, sooner, include screening, and have home visits to prevent harm / deaths

Squatting / walking / water / pelvic positioning could be used for childbirth

More awareness / treatment for postpartum PTSD could be available

Early Labor Lounges (ELL) could reduce the need for cesarean births

Postpartum healthcare for new moms / gynecology could improve, include screening, and incorporate insurance-covered pelvic floor / physical therapy

Pregnant women and new mothers could access workouts to prevent diastasis recti

The U.S. could have less maternal deaths through systemic review / standardization of treatment

A plastic bag device could be used for safer childbirth

New parents could get infant training / check-ins after birth

Motorcycles / bicycles could deliver emergency healthcare more effectively

Birthing / newborn kits could be provided to mothers without hospital or health clinic access

Absorbent underwear could help with periods and incontinence

Doctors could perform less C-sections / cesareans to prevent future complications and deaths