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How India could be different

Flood recession agriculture could be beneficial / help smallholder farmers

Technology / solar / water management / engineering skills could be taught to the least educated / illiterate / lowest caste people

HR payment platforms could enable women to keep their earnings

Medicine could be safer / uncontaminated through various ways

Indian women could not be defrauded by marriage / have to pay dowries

Flowers could become leather / incense sticks

Crop residue burning could be turned into fuel or livestock feed / bedding

Adopting could be quicker, cheaper, less hurdled by bureaucracy, legal / safe, and open to more (single people / LGBTQ+) to prevent millions of abandoned / vulnerable children worldwide

Mental health / addiction treatment could not be denied by health insurance

Women in developing countries could not be socially isolated during menstruation / have hygiene education

Women could have more professional leagues in / opportunities to play cricket

Tiles could be made of / eat up smog

Crop residue could be turned into mushrooms and reduce air pollution

Sugar workers could have better labor rights

Minimum balance, banking fees, accessibility / location, lack of public education / financial literacy outreach could be deterrents to financial inclusion

Family caregivers could be trained in medical skills to improve patient outcomes at home

Governments could invest in large scale toilet construction, maintenance, waste disposal, user feedback/design, sewer systems, and behavioral change/public campaigns

China and India could better monitor / regulate fentanyl drug production

Industrial effluent could be regulated for release / made into a profitable business to prevent pollution

Loans / cash could be accessed by the poor to end debt slavery

Democracies could not have ethnic / tribal / religious political parties

Advanced analytics with door-to-door community engagement could enroll more girls / kids in school

Citizenship registries could not deprive people of human rights

Governments could not restrict internet access

Countries could have undiscovered sports talent

Behavioral science or public media campaigns could promote latrine use in India

Local governments could be encouraged and enabled to construct sewage systems