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How Lawsuits / Personal Injury could be different

Therapists could be more regulated / accountable

The perfume / fragrance industry could be more transparent / ethical

Scientific fraud could be prosecuted

U.S. hospice care could not have fraud / mismanagement / abuse

Nurse practitioners could be regulated to be well-trained

The breastfeeding "Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative" could be harmful to new mothers / babies

Nerve injuries / paralysis could be reduced during childbirth

Liquid ready-to-feed infant formula could be safer than powdered

Donor milk instead of baby formula could be safer for preterm / full-term babies

The FDA (or independent private organizations) could test drug safety

More safeguards / action / technology could be taken to prevent coach abuse

FDA warning letters could be more effective

Vaginal stitching / numbing / anesthesia could be botched / better during childbirth

Pregnant women could have the right / ability to get elective c-sections

Operating rooms / hospitals could have video / audio recording capability

Airplane / public bathrooms could be more accessible for the disabled

The U.S. FDA / CSPC could proactively regulate / ensure different types of baby products meet safety standards

H-1B visas could replacing American workers at a lower cost

Fair compensation could rewarded in personal injury cases with AI

U.S. food safety legislation could be less complicated / overlapping

Atherectomies / artery / vascular surgery could be leading to high rates of amputations / death

Single-use, retractable needles / needle-free injectors could be used in hospitals / developing countries / with drug users

Medical gaslighting could not happen

Cervical membrane sweeping could be an informed choice / consent in childbirth and might not work

Medicine could be safer / uncontaminated through various ways

The HPV vaccine risks / efficacy could be determined

#MeToo could happen in the music industry

Lasik could have serious complications / side effects

The Trinseo chemical plant / other chemical plants could not release dangerous chemicals

U.S. rail companies could have adequate staffing / increased safety standards / liability / shorter train length to prevent derailments

Lung diseases could be prevented among miners / effective masks could be available

Elite police units could have less aggression / more experience / oversight

Nonstick pans could be harmful / polluting

Febreze / air fresheners could be toxic

Statins for cholesterol could have harmful side effects / not be as effective as thought / cause muscle pain

Litigation funding could take money from / offer predatory loans to clients but also offer money to sue

Brazilian Butt Lifts (BBL) could be regulated / not dangerous

Antibiotics could be associated with aneurysms

Depo-provera could have harmful side effects / withdrawal symptoms

Lupron injections could have harmful side effects

Workplace time off / support could be provided for fertility treatment / pregnancy ailments

Water beads could be dangerous for children / pets

U.S. military bases could not be toxic to service members and their families

Civil cases against financial advisors could be on public record and less expensive

Financial advisors could be required to disclose civil lawsuits, customer complaints, and arbitration claims

Hormones, antidepressants, steroids, antibiotics, pharmaceuticals etc. could be removed from drinking water

Meal kit companies could be FDA regulated / required to follow safety requirements

Sugarcane burning could end in Florida

The clitoris / vulva / labia could be better studied, taught, and not damaged during surgeries

Vaccines with aluminum could be linked with asthma

Litigation / regulation could be decreasing the amount of IPOs / public wealth

The public could have a right to know about defective products / environmental hazards / abusers / harassers discovered during lawsuits

Raw data could be open / transparent / shared in pharmaceutical (or all) research studies

Teachers with inappropriate behavior / misconduct could not still work with children, face criminal / civil charges, and be listed on a registry

Alumni Venture Funds could be mismanaged / charging too high fees

Mental health / addiction treatment could not be denied by health insurance

Miscarriages could be misdiagnosed

Chiropractors, massage, yoga, pilates, surfing, and beauty parlors could cause paralysis / strokes

Restraining orders could be stronger / have consequences / psych evaluations

Gun marketing / video games could be less violent

Baby formula / foods could not have heavy metals

Aneuploid / abnormal / mosaic embryos could self-correct in the womb

Medicare Advantage plans could not deny coverage to seniors

People could have access to a potential partner's history of abuse

Vaccine manufacturers could face liability for adverse events, contribute to government compensation programs, use placebos in clinical trials, and/or have incentives for improving vaccines

Journalists could have legal defense against being sued

Banned chemicals could not be replaced with similar, harmful chemicals

Nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) could improve / change

U.S. universities could better maintain dormitories and prevent mold / vermin

Polluting chemical industries could be regulated and not placed in "sacrifice zones"

Nontoxic, bioremediation methods could be regulated for use in oil spills

Medical boards could evaluate doctors, type of prescriptions given, and fatal / non-fatal overdoses

SLAPP laws could be changed to prevent muzzling lawsuits

Generic medications could be less regulated than brand-name / unable to be sued

U.S. hospitals, universities, and other profitable organizations could have to meet requirements to be classified as nonprofits or change into for-profit

Revenge porn or posting videos/images without consent could be prosecuted

Porn websites / companies could be ethical, regulated, or sued/shut down

Patent trolls could be less of a problem in the U.S.

An ombuds office or dispute-resolution system could better address harassment, complaints, and corruption

U.S. health insurance could cover women's health issues

Consulting, lobbying, law firms, banks, and public relations companies could not assist authoritarian governments, corruption, organized crime, or have unethical practices

Glysophate / pesticides / herbicides could have harmful effects on animal / human health

Problem doctors could have their operating privileges suspended by medical boards and institutions/medical personnel could face negligence damages for not reporting them

Medical devices could be really tested before use

Kidney disease patients could be informed about transplant options