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How Infectious Diseases could be different

Air filtration / ventilation could decrease sickness

Low-cost, rapid, point-of-care, diagnostic health tests could save millions of lives

Better testing could differentiate between viral / bacterial infections

Drive-through testing could be used for infectious diseases

The CDC / HHS could produce high-quality data during infectious disease outbreaks

Foreign industrial fishing trawlers could cause communities to lose livelihoods/food sources

Hand sanitizer could cause hormone disruption, weaker immune systems, and antibiotic resistance

Mega-diagnostic platforms, a global alert system, infectious disease first responders, and germ game simulations could better address pandemics

Contact tracing could be improved worldwide during infectious disease outbreaks

Composting toilets could be available in areas lacking sanitation

Homes, hospitals, and buildings could be well ventilated and filtrated

Gain-of-function / biotechnology / bioweapon research laboratories with pathogenic agents could have enforced safety guidelines, be done at sea / isolated areas, or not be done

The World Health Organization's structure, management, and focus could improve

The World Health Organization (WHO) could be less susceptible to the influence of donors / countries

Sinks could have foot pedals

A wristband or timer could could improve handwashing rates