Assassinations / targeted killing could be used instead of war
Military training in Africa could lead to coups / destabilization
Security clearances could be a faster process but harder to get
China's 5G network in developing countries could influence them / create authoritarian governments
Countries joining NATO could be liabilities for the U.S.
The U.S. military industrial complex could be too powerful / create wars
Pakistan could spend less on defense / spending could be more accountable
Medicine / computer chips / weapons / batteries etc. could not depend solely on foreign supply chains / single factories
Defense / government contractors could be tech startups / additional companies
U.S. military bases could not be toxic to service members and their families
The U.S. Department of Defense could pass audits
Weapon sales could not get into the wrong hands / be tracked / not occur
The Overseas Operations Contingency (OCO) Fund could not be a slush fund
The U.S. power / electric grid could be updated, safer, have backup capability, and/or be nationalized
The U.S. military / president could have better exit strategy/planning and not leave behind allies/weapons/ammunition/equipment
Governments / organizations could improve "use it or lose it" deadline budgeting
U.S. military / civilian officials and agencies could be truthful about military / diplomatic / foreign aid / intelligence operations and performance
Military transitioning to civilian life could have more support / training / resources
Weapons could not use depleted uranium
U.S. military assistance abroad could be reappraised
Military veterans / war survivors could receive healthcare for burn pit / toxic exposures and different disposal methods could be invented / used
Gain-of-function / biotechnology / bioweapon research laboratories with pathogenic agents could have enforced safety guidelines, be done at sea / isolated areas, or not be done
Countries could have adequate medical and cleaning supplies with rationing rules in case of a pandemic or national emergency
Guantánamo Bay prison could be closed