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How Government/Nonprofit Auditing / Public Financial Management (PFM) could be different

Affordable housing nonprofits could spend less on lobbying and salaries / more on services

Taxes could be collected in developing countries

The U.S. Department of Defense could pass audits

Countries could be prevented from taking on crippling debt / having public financial mismanagement

Public Expenditure Tracking surveys (PETS) could improve to audit governments

Services delivered could be audited at nonprofits / government contractors and feedback could be continuously collected from service recipients

Publicizing audits in a timely manner through various media outlets could improve government

U.S. military / civilian officials and agencies could be truthful about military / diplomatic / foreign aid / intelligence operations and performance

International development / aid could be reimagined / audited to show positive results for developing countries

Homelessness government spending could be more efficient, less regulated, coordinated, prioritized, and tracked

Short-term program impact, long term outcome effects, and potential waste of international development programs could be evaluated / transparent

The U.S. Federal Reserve system could be replaced with the gold standard, computer program, or be more accountable / transparent / audited

Governments could support investigative reporting and journalism

Public ownership registries could eliminate illicit financial schemes and government corruption

Government purchasing managers could have oversight and rewards/penalties for performance

Government contracting rules could have two overarching rules to serve taxpayers better

Large bounties and penalties could be established to prevent and catch government contracting waste and fraud

Governments could show the impact of economic development subsidies / corporate incentives and tax breaks

Auditors could serve and be hired by the public and legislative bodies

Auditors could be audited

Government performance auditing could be publicized more and tackle risky topics

Government audits of public resources could reduce corruption

Government agencies, schools, hospitals, police, universities, foundations, prisons, workplaces, elections, judiciary systems, and nonprofits could collect, publicize, and use citizen feedback