Tires could contribute less to air pollution
Cafes / homes could use reusable milk kegs / glasses
A bubble barrier could catch plastic waste in rivers / canals
Wet wipes could be compostable, refillable, stylish, and biodegradable
Drinks / food could not be in plastic
Litter / plastic waste could become prosthetics
Prescription bottles could be compostable
Hardened wood could be sharper than steel
Bioplastic could be made from crops / hemp / sugar / seaweed / food waste and biodegrade
Pregnancy tests could be flushable
Tiny plastic shower bottles could be changed to bulk dispensers
Takeout containers could be reusable or compostable
Single use, compostable toilets could be available in developing countries and humanitarian crises
Plastic recycling could be a myth
Plastic and electronic waste disposal in developing countries could create health and environmental issues
Companies could not greenwash / abandon CSR initiatives to reduce plastic
Plastics could help capture carbon emissions
Plastic waste could be recycled into material stronger than concrete
Cups / silverware / plates / bowls could be eaten
Single-use plastic and plastic packaging could be not used
Seaweed farming could fight against climate change / regenerate marine ecosystems / create new businesses
Bottled water could be canned
Airlines could eliminate single-use plastic
Reusable beeswax food wraps could be used instead of plastic
Microbeads and microplastics could be banned, limited, or disposed of differently
Green actions could be rewarded