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How Tourism / Attractions could be different

Christmas tree twins could roam around

Tornado storm chasing could be tourism

A Charles Dickens Victorian London Christmas fair could be visited for the holidays

Holiday images could projected on buildings / homes

Luggage / things could be transported / shipped easily at low cost

Thousands of pumpkins could create art

Rivers could be climbed

Flowers could create carpets

People / families could spend nights at museums

Fountains could waltz to lights and music

Towns could have food fight festivals

Small towns could be turned into tourist destinations

Bikes could be on railroad tracks

The automat could be brought back

Food could be grilled over volcanoes

Products / local industries could have an "economic nutrition label"

Kids could try out different jobs for fun

Floating obstacle courses could be on water

Postcards could be sent to boost tourism / support tourist guides during wars

Insurance programs could protect endangered animals

Swimsuits could be worn towards the end of ski season

Buildings could play music when it rains

Undersea tunnels could have sculptures and light effects

Famous people's homes could be turned into museums or airbnbs

Boats could have hot tubs and/or spas

A matchmaking festival could help find love

Ziplines could be used instead of bridges

Power lines could have interesting shapes

Beaches could have snack bars, nightclubs, and/or sunchairs/umbrellas

Stairs could have art

Pianos / concerts could be located throughout a park

Historical places could be made into hotels, restaurants, stores, or event spaces

Restaurants / bars could float and cruise around

Highways could be like roller coasters

An attractions passport could encourage tourism

Famous coaches / athletes / teams could host fantasy sports camps

Travel could be ethical and sustainable

Adults could have playgrounds

National parks could be created in warzones / post-conflict areas

Buildings could change shape or move

Mountains could have a gravity cars

Museums could be little and weird

Mermaids could be in parades

Art could be made from nature

Redwood trees could be climbed

Places could be available for naps or meditation