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How Foster Care could be different

Foster children could receive Social Security, death / survivorship, and/or veterans benefits rather than the state

Baby bonds could be started for low-income children

Foster care could be less difficult for foster parents to prevent children from going to group homes

Parents could not be billed for foster care

Foster care kids could have nightlights / care packages / suitcases

50+ children could be adopted

Adopting could be quicker, cheaper, less hurdled by bureaucracy, legal / safe, and open to more (single people / LGBTQ+) to prevent millions of abandoned / vulnerable children worldwide

Foster and vulnerable children could express needs / receive funding on a website

"Rehoming" / "second chance" adoptions could be regulated

Shadow / hidden unregulated foster care could not exist

Families could have ways to heal from prison incarceration

Inner cities could have art spaces

Foster siblings could stay together

U.S. social welfare policy could engage fathers more

Foster care parent abuse could be better monitored and accounted for

Child abuse versus neglect / poverty could be differentiated / treated differently

Single / LGBTQ+ people could receive IVF insurance / adoption benefits

Parents / schools could help prevent child sex abuse / grooming through education/awareness

Foster children could have Court Appointed Special Advocates

The elderly, veterans, homeless, and/or disabled could go to medical foster homes

Undocumented immigrants, foster children, homeless, and other vulnerable people could have municipal ID cards

Seniors could volunteer as foster grandparents

Cash could be given through rental subsidies, taxes, or child savings accounts to aid poverty

Foster care could lead to quicker permanent situations

Housing, cash, educational guidance, financial counseling, employment, and/or other supports could be provided to transitioning foster youth

Foster care could be extended past 18

Graduation coaches could help at-risk youth throughout their education

Government agencies, schools, hospitals, police, universities, foundations, prisons, workplaces, elections, judiciary systems, and nonprofits could collect, publicize, and use citizen feedback

Multisystemic Therapy (MST) could help violent and chronic juvenile offenders

Children could stay with their families rather than being placed into foster care