Sex workers could not face financial discrimination
Adopting could be quicker, cheaper, less hurdled by bureaucracy, legal / safe, and open to more (single people / LGBTQ+) to prevent millions of abandoned / vulnerable children worldwide
Hackers could help find missing people
Technology could prevent child abuse sexual materials (CASM) online
A hand signal or asking for "Angela" could signal for help
Domestic workers could have better labor conditions / rights
Massage parlors could be regulated to prevent abuse
Public bathrooms/spaces could have human trafficking hotline information
Loans / cash could be accessed by the poor to end debt slavery
Offshore banking / dark money could be reformed to prevent corruption / crime / terrorism / human trafficking / tax evasion / wars / repressive and corrupt governments
Shrimp farming could be destructive to mangroves and create abusive labor practices
The seas could be patrolled for illegal fishing and human trafficking
Migrant workers could have less human rights abuses in the Middle East
Revenge porn or posting videos/images without consent could be prosecuted
Porn websites / companies could be ethical, regulated, or sued/shut down
Pedophiles could get therapy and psychiatric / hormonal drugs
Anti-trafficking laws could not negatively impact sex workers
Chocolate could be produced without slavery and child labor
Sex work could be decriminalized
Anti-money laundering laws and technology could negatively impact genocide, human trafficking, drug cartels, corruption, and other organized crime