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Gail's Ideas

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By Gail

I think high speed internet should be a right that everyone who has a device that bares the internet should be entitled to. I think this should be done by fireing everyone in social service accept those who are trained in Psychiatry, accounting, and Law, and using the money that you would have paid those employees with to give everyone the best internet possible.

Taking this action would solve many problems, not just the internet one. :)

Woop woop!


Internet / Websites


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Agree 1 Disagree 0


By Gail

I suggest that the website that 311 tells everyone to access to see if they qualify for benefits, and also that gives you the option to apply online for medicaid, food stamps, and welfare, called ACCESSNYC.GOV

Actually be a real working website.

Because right now, (and for a month now,) it's been under construction. It's not real.

And still. To this very moment, 311 workers, social workers at centers all over the city, hospitals, and government representatives, are telling people to go to it, to find out information :).

But the site doesn't exist :).

I suggest that it start existing :).

Idea, Fin.


Public Benefits / Social Safety Net


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