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How Languages could be different

Lift-the-flap children's books could help with bilingual language learning

Language could be touch

Language could influence culture or vice-versa

Nonverbal people could more easily communicate

Machine learning could preserve endangered languages

Artificial intelligence could decode and create animal speech

Dogs/animals could learn to talk

Knots could be a written language

Hygge, lagom, gezellig, ubuntu, joie de vivre, friluftsliv, wu wei, wabi sabi, sisu, nunchi, ikigai, coorie, kalsarikannit, and other world philosphies could be incorporated into lifestyles and homes

Different words for snow could exist

Love could have five languages

Language could be translated and created to improve global health

Greetings and farewells could wish good life, peace, love, and health

Fika and feierabend could be integrated into the workday

Video games could help preserve and teach language and culture

Babies could communicate through sign language

"Untranslatable words" could expand cognitive and emotional horizons

Languages could be preserved

Language could be whistled

Women and men could not be called sexist words