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How Nursing Homes / Long-term Care could be different

Showers could be in a human washing machine / drier

Pinching finger knuckles' skin could be a test for dehydration

Chairs could be easier for the elderly / disabled

People with mental / physical disabilities could work on care farms / inclusive communities

Video games could be provided in hospitals / nursing homes

Private equity could negatively affect healthcare quality

Dementia / alzheimer patients could "bike" around familiar neighborhoods

Seniors could become pop stars

Nursing homes / retirement villages could be combined with childcare centers

Nursing homes could not use antipsychotic drugs on people with dementia

Long-term care insurance could be purchased at a younger age

U.S. nursing homes/long-term care could be less expensive, less understaffed / negligent, offer reasonable healthcare, have better training, and have accurate ratings

People with mental health issues could go to state psychiatric centers/access assertive community treatment rather than nursing homes/prisons

Nursing homes could be personalized and smaller

Senior and developmentally disabled guardianship/conservatorship could be reformed to prevent abuse

Greetings cards could be made for the sick, elderly, or military

Video cameras could be used in elderly care and nursing homes

Dehydration could be prevented in nursing homes and the elderly

Grandparents could be adopted

The elderly, veterans, homeless, and/or disabled could go to medical foster homes

Prison, inner city, nursing home, and hospital residents could have access to nature

Dancing could improve brain health and well-being

Individual stories could be recorded and preserved

The elderly could go cycling

Housing could be intergenerational

Unopened, unexpired medications could be provided to patients in need

Seniors could teach languages to students abroad

People with dementia / Alzheimer's could live in gated model villages

Group exercises and stretching could be used by schools, communities, and organizations