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How Local Government Services could be different

Community radio could transmit useful / important / peacebuilding information

The housing voucher process could streamlined and faster

Social services could be delivered remotely / by video calling

Cities/towns could develop a city rent escrow account program, grade rental properties, create a tenants union, have training on healthy housing, and reward good landlords

Better designed websites/notifications could give legal guidance to both renters and landlords

Undocumented immigrants, foster children, homeless, and other vulnerable people could have municipal ID cards

Citizens could give feedback about public safety organizations online

Behavioral economics, consumer insight research, and mystery shopping could be used in the design and delivery of public programs

Local governments could consolidate services

Plain language could be used more in government, universities, and other organizations

Post office employees could deliver services for the elderly, disabled, new mothers, or mentally ill

Local and national social services could be searchable / applied for online

Citizens could adopt fire hydrants

Sewer systems could use real-time monitoring and control "smart valve" technology

Communities could use private social networking websites to connect with their neighbors

Cities / towns could offer curbside compost collection systems

Cities, countries, and organizations could offer information hotlines, websites, and texting services