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How Military could be different

Sonar / noise could not harm whales / marine life

Buttons could be compasses

Boats could be impossible to capsize

Black could be blacker than black

A voice-recording button / stuffed animal could be a parenting tool for separation

Psychedelic drugs (or non-lethal chemical weapons) could be used in interrogations / warfare instead of torture / weapons

Tech could warn civilians when / where bombs might fall

A military trick could lead to sleep in two minutes

Warlords / genocides could be stopped through private / public alliances

The revolving door between government / private business could be fixed

Private military contractors (PMCs) use by countries could be regulated

Military transitioning to civilian life could have more support / training / resources

Weapons could not use depleted uranium

Democracies could not have ethnic/tribal/religious political parties

Independent, specialized prosecutors could handle military sexual assault

Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) could help with wildlife conservation

Inflatable weapons could be used

Greetings cards could be made for the sick, elderly, or military

Greek tragedies could help people heal

Storytime could be held virtually

Veterans could help with natural disasters

Volunteers could rescue people in natural disasters

Organizations could offer "returnships" for people to return-to-work

CTE could be addressed, prevented, and treated in different sports and the military

Backpacks could float

Bullying could be reported anonymously

Military personnel could deploy for shorter periods to reduce mental health issues