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How Food Safety could be different

Liquid infant formula could be safer than powdered

U.S. food safety legislation could be less complicated / overlapping

People could be notified (apps / text messages) about listeria outbreaks / foodborne diseases / infectious diseases

Solar food drying / dehydration technology / methods could create less food waste / safe foods in developing countries

Processing equipment could be used to produce safe food in developing countries

Nonstick pans could be harmful / polluting

Chocolate could not have toxic metals

Food dyes / additives could be harmful

Baby formula / foods could not have heavy metals

Herbicides / pesticides / lead / toxins could not be found in food

Aflatoxin could be prevented in developing countries' crops

Vitamins / supplements could be regulated for safe ingredients

Tea could not contain pesticides / herbicides, toxic mold, or heavy metals

Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO) could be removed from sodas