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How Government Debt / Spending / Budgeting could be different

Public pensions could be too high in some places / to some people / could be capped at some amount

Pakistan could spend less on defense / spending could be more accountable

School systems could spend less on consultants / tech / data collection / new curriculums

France could give money back to Haiti

The IRS could be modernized

Psychiatric / addiction care for homelessness could be coordinated by the state rather than county

Large national debts / economic downturns could lead to devaluing of currency / declining empires

The U.S. national debt could be calculated differently

Countries could be prevented from taking on crippling debt / having public financial mismanagement

Government spending could not be constrained by revenues

FBI informants / infiltrators / agent provocateurs could have more oversight

Wars could not be fought without drafts / increases in taxes / taxes on defense contractors / small or no increase in government debt

U.S. rural schools could have better funding / improve

The revolving door between government / private business could be fixed

Inflation could be lowered with elevated interest rates / an economic recession

Governments / organizations could improve "use it or lose it" deadline budgeting

ProZorro could improve government contracting / corruption

Excessive government spending could cause inflation

Developing countries could have less financial outflows than inflows

Social protections could be ringfenced against fiscal adjustment in developing countries

Nations' debt could be restructured to protect coastal areas

Economic stimulus / government bailout / relief funds could only go to citizens and/or productive businesses

Governments could show the impact of economic development subsidies / corporate incentives and tax breaks

Defensive design could prevent floods

Public pensions could be managed by qualified investment managers and/or an independent board

Local governments could consolidate services

Governments could use accrual accounting / zero-based budgeting

Agricultural subsidies could be reformed